What are 8 Siddhi’s of Hanuman ji? ✨⛰️

Hanuman’s “Sidhis,” or divine powers, were as legendary as his devotion to Lord Rama. Imagine superhuman strength that could move mountains, a mind-boggling leap across vast oceans, and the ability to shapeshift at will! These weren’t just cool tricks; they were tools Hanuman ji used to serve Rama, rescue Sita Mata, and fight for good.


He could grow to colossal size, shake the earth with his punches, and even set fire to cities with his flaming tail. But Hanuman’s true strength wasn’t just physical. It was fueled by his unwavering devotion to Lord Ram and his fierce determination to overcome any obstacle. So, next time you hear the name Hanuman, remember, he’s not just a powerful warrior, he’s a symbol of unwavering loyalty and the ultimate force for good.

Here are the Hanuman ji’s 8 Sidhi’s:-

Anima Sidhi

Hanuman ji can take on a very subtle shape at any time because of Anima Siddhi. Hanuman used this power when he arrived in Lanka after flying across the sea. He used this Siddhi to survey the entire island of Lanka, and because he was exceedingly subtle, no one knows that he is there in Lanka.

Mahima Sidhi

Hanuman can enlarge his physique with Mahima Siddhi. Hanuman ji used this power when crossing Lanka to defeat Surasa, the mother of snakes. ​Aside from that, He employed this Siddhi to enlarge himself to make Mother Sita believe in Shri Ram’s Vanar army.

Garima Sidhi

Hanuman ji could lift his own weight like a massive mountain with the help of this Siddhi. ​During the Mahabharata time, Hanuman used this Siddhi in front of Bhima. ​When Bhima fell fascinated with his strength. Then Hanuman ji disguised himself as an elderly vanar and ​stretched his tail on the path to shatter Bhima’s pride. When Bhima attempted to lift Hanuman ji’s tail, he was unable to do it, though Bhima’s pride was shattered.

Hanuman ji
Laghima Sidhi

Hanuman ji could make his own weight disappear with Laghima Siddhi and travel anywhere in an instant. When Hanuman was at Ashok Vatika, he used Anima and ​Laghima Siddhi took a subtle shape and hide himself in the leaves of the Ashok Vatika trees. He presented himself to Mother Sita while sitting among these leaves.

Prapti Sidhi

Hanuman could acquire anything instantly through Prapti Siddhi. Animals could understand bird language and see beyond the future. Hanuman ji used this Siddhi to communicate with various animals and ​birds while hunting for Mother Sita in the Ramayana.

Prakaamya Sidhi

Hanuman ji may travel anyplace with the power of Prakaamya Siddhi. ​He Could fly over the skies and survive underwater for as long as required. ​Hanuman can stay young for a long period with this Siddhi. Only with this Siddhi he can adopt any form they desire. Hanuman ji adopted the shape of a Brahmin and met Lord Ram in ​Ramcharitmanas at the request of Sugriva.

Ishitav Sidhi

Hanuman ji had obtained various divine powers through Ishitva Siddhi. Hanuman ji expertly led the entire vanar army under the effect of this power, and it is because of this accomplishment that he ruled the vanar army. ​He also used this Siddhi to resurrect a vanar who had died during the war.

Vashitav Sidhi

Hanuman ji is Jitendriya and can control his mind because of Vashitva Siddhi. He has Vashitva Siddhi, which allows him to manipulate any creature. Hanuman is the abode of unlimited power as a result of this Sidhi.

Read about Hanuman Ji’s Explosive Arrival and Unbreakable Bond with Ram🚩

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