Who created Lohri and What do Punjabis do on Lohri?

Lohri Fun for Everyone: What Punjabis Do!

Bonfire Bash

The night comes alive with crackling bonfires! Everyone gathers around, singing traditional songs, dancing bhangra and gidda, and offering sugarcane, popcorn, and peanuts to the flames. Now is the time to rejoice, cuddle up, and get away from the bitter cold of winter.


Sweet Celebrations

No Lohri is complete without sweet treats! Along with popcorn and other treats, the star of the show is rewri, a dish made with sesame seeds and jaggery. Sharing these delectable appetizers enhances relationships and brings a lovely touch to the celebrations.

Dulla Bhatti Stories

This brave folk hero comes alive through songs and stories shared around the bonfire. Because kids love to hear about his adventures and his quest for justice, Lohri is a festival of bravery and kindness.

New Beginnings

Lohri marks the end of winter and the start of the harvest season. It’s a moment to give thanks for the abundance of nature and wish for a successful new year. An energy and hope permeate the air as a result of this attitude of regeneration.

Family and Friends

Lohri is a time for friends and family to gather together and celebrate, not merely a festival. Every house is alive with laughing and conversation as people eat, drink, and revel in the happiness of being together.

So, grab some rewri, join the bhangra circle, and experience the warmth and fun of Lohri – a Punjabis celebration of new beginnings, community, and the promise of spring!

Who created Lohri?

Unlike birthday parties with a clear-cut host, Lohri’s origins are a bit like a treasure hunt with many hidden clues! While we don’t know one person who “created” it, several threads weave together to form this vibrant festival.

One clue lies in the changing seasons. As winter loosens its grip and spring peeks in, Lohri bursts forth as a celebration of new beginnings. The bonfire is a representation of both illuminating the past while preparing for the warmth and vibrancy of the upcoming season.

Another hint that suggests a community. For centuries, farmers have danced around bonfires to strengthen their bonds with one another and to show gratitude for the harvest.

Lohri evolved to represent getting together, telling tales, and enjoying food with dear ones. And then there is the story of Punjabis folk hero Dulla Bhatti. His stories of bravery and standing up for the defenceless gave the circumstance bravery and justice.

Who then made Lohri? This is a unique event since it was conceived by multiple generations of individuals rather than just one. They blended traditions, folklore, and happiness.

Imagine it like a gorgeous quilt, where every thread adds a unique warmth and color to create the unique celebration that is Lohri today!

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