Monk to PM: Unmasking Modi’s Hidden Spiritual Path! 🇮🇳

A life full of unanticipated turns and choices for Narendra Modi. Among these, the story of his early ambition to become a Hindu ascetic, or Monk, holds a special place. While he ultimately embarked on a different path, this period of introspective searching undoubtedly shaped the leader he would become.

A Spiritual Calling

In his teenage years, Modi felt a strong pull towards spirituality. At 18, he even left home to travel across India, visiting various pilgrimage sites and immersing himself in spiritual practices.

Seeking Guidance

Modi was greatly impacted by Swami Vivekananda‘s teachings when he came across them during his travels. Particularly moving was Vivekananda’s emphasis on fusing social welfare with spiritual awareness. This led Modi to the Belur Math, the Ramakrishna Mission headquarters in West Bengal, where he sought guidance from the monks.

The Turning Point

At the Belur Math, Modi underwent a period of intense spiritual training and introspection. He considered becoming a monk, pledging his life to spiritual practices. However, after discussions with the monks, he eventually decided to return to secular life.

Lessons Learned

While Modi chose not to become a sadhu, the experience profoundly impacted him. Through spirituality, discipline, self-awareness and a sense of service to others deepened. He always adopted these values in his political career and spirituality always gave him guidance and flexibility.

Traces of the Sadhu

Even as Prime Minister, Modi’s connection to his spiritual past remains evident. He goes to religious sites on a daily basis and practises meditation. He never hesitates to discuss his faith.

A Complex Path

Modi’s journey from aspirant sadhu to prime minister serves as a testament to the decisions we make on a personal level and the unexpected directions life can take. His decision to return to secular life opened doors to a different kind of service, leading him to the highest office in India.



Narendra Modi was very distressed as he was not finding the purpose of his life. Sometimes he feels that he should serve the country by becoming a soldier, sometimes as a monk and sometimes he feels that he should serve the country by becoming a leader. Therefore he decided to go to the Himalayas.

He stayed for 2 years in the Himalayas to seaking himself and to get the answers to his questions. After two years, he got the answer by his Guru that God sent him to become a Karm yogi not Sadhu.

Even as Prime Minister, Modi’s connection to his spiritual past remains evident. He practises daily meditation, pays frequent visits to places of worship, and expresses his religion candidly.

Read about Mysteries of Narendra Modi Life

Narendra Modi
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