Ramayan: Ravana Sending Spies (Chapter 9)

Ram ji ordered the army to be ready. When Ravana came to know that Ram ji had crossed the ocean with his army, he was also surprised. Then he asked his two ministers Shak and Saran to go to Ram ji’s vanars army in disguise and see the number of vanars.


Both of them immediately left for there. Seeing the vanars army there, it was impossible for him to estimate their numbers. Then the mighty Vibhishana saw both of them and recognized them. They took them to Ram ji and told him that they were spies of Ravana and should be given severe punishment.

Spies Get Cought

Both the ministers got scared after hearing this and they started seeing the end of their life. But Ram ji said smilingly: Both of you have come here to see my vanars army. If you have seen everything then you can leave for Lanka and if anything is left, Vibhishana will show you everything in detail. You are without equipment so both of you no need to fear for your life.

Ram ji sent a message to Ravana that from tomorrow morning he would rain arrows on Lanka and kill Ravana. Ravana became angry after hearing all this. Through Maya, Ravana showed the severed head of Ram and his bow to Sita Mata so that Sita Mata could come under his control. But mother Sita became inconsolable after seeing Ram ji’s head and started telling Ravana to take me to my husband and kill me. Then a demon came and informed Ravana that his commander wanted to meet him, so he left.

Ramayan: Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

But Mother Sita was absorbed in extreme sorrow. Then a demon named Sarma consoled Sita ji and revealed the whole mystery of Ravana’s illusion. She also said that Shri Ramchandra ji is coming across the sea with his vanar army. They have camped on the south bank of the ocean.


I myself have seen the complete work of Shri Ram along with Lakshman. They are completely protected by their organized armies stationed on the coast.

All the speedy demons sent by Ravana have brought here the same news that Shri Raghunath ji has returned after crossing the ocean. Therefore, you should not worry. Ram ji will definitely win.

Ravana’s Ego

Ravana’s ego did not go away even after Mandodari tried to persuade him not to hold grudges against Ram. Ram ji sent Angad as a messenger to Ravana in Lanka and gave him the message to come under the shelter of Ram but Ravana did not agree. A very intelligent demon named Malyavan, who was Ravana’s maternal grandfather. Also asked Ravana to seek refuge in Lord Ram but Ravana insulted him. When all efforts for peace failed, the war started.

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