Who is the father of NSS?

One key component of the Indian educational system that fosters civic engagement and social responsibility among students is the National Service Scheme (NSS). But have you ever pondered who the brilliant mind behind this important initiative is? While attributing the title of “Father of NSS” can be nuanced, two key figures played crucial roles in its inception and development:

Major General Jagannath Rao Bhonsle:
  • Pioneering Vision: In the early 1950s, Bhonsle, then Director of National Discipline Service, proposed a national service scheme for students. He was aware of the value of moral growth and community service.
  • Establishing the Foundation: Bhonsle’s suggestion sparked investigations and conversations, establishing the framework for the NSS idea. His vision shaped the fundamental tenets of the program by emphasizing volunteerism and community involvement.
Dr. V.K.R.V. Rao (Dr. Vivekananda Krishnayya Rangaswamy Rao):
  • Launching the Initiative: As Education Minister in 1969, Dr. Rao officially launched the NSS program at 37 universities across India. He championed the scheme, securing government support and overseeing its initial rollout.
  • Guiding Growth: Dr. Rao actively promoted the NSS and advocated for its expansion. He emphasized its role in national integration, character formation, and rural development, shaping its focus and direction.

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Therefore, attributing the title of “Father of NSS” is not a straightforward answer. Both Bhonsle and Dr. Rao played vital roles: Bhonsle with his initial vision and groundwork, and Dr. Rao, who guided the program’s conception and development. A more comprehensive picture of the NSS’s beginnings is painted when their joint contributions are acknowledged.

Additional Note: The NSS website acknowledges both Bhonsle and Dr. Rao for their involvement in the conception and advancement of the plan.

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Who is the first NSS volunteer?

While the National Service Scheme (NSS) in India boasts millions of dedicated volunteers, pinpointing the “first” one presents a unique challenge. The scheme itself wasn’t launched until 1969, but its roots trace back to earlier proposals. Attributing the title of “first volunteer” hinges on interpretation:

Indian Army

Conceptual Origin: Major General Jagannath Rao Bhonsle laid the groundwork for the NSS concept in the 1950s. While not technically a volunteer, his vision sparked the initiative.

Official Launch: On September 24th, 1969, the then Union Education Minister, Dr. V.K.R.V. Rao, officially launched this program. However, pinpointing the very first volunteer enrolled that day becomes difficult due to historical records.

Therefore, acknowledging both individuals and the historical context provides a more comprehensive understanding of the “first” in the context of the NSS. Recall that the real essence is found in the innumerable volunteers who still exemplify community involvement and service.

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